Payment Of Fees and Refunds
- Payment Of Fees
- Payment of fees can be made in bank transfer or Online Payment Account. Payments utilizing such services are subject to additional processing fees (administration fee, transfer fee, etc).
Payments made through Bank Transfer and Online Payment Account should be made out and transferred to the following account. Please confirm your payment with SMS to +6285645784800 or email to so that Network Services may properly validate your existence.
Acc. Holder: Radhitya Wawan Yunarko
Bank Name: Bank BNI KC ITS, Surabaya
Acc No.: 0154746600
Acc. Holder: Radhitya Wawan Yunarko
PayPal ID:
Acc. Holder: Radhitya Wawan Yunarko
AlertPay ID: (still in process) - Payment for all products and services are due in advance, unless specifically stated otherwise in the offer or promotion pursuant to which The Client ordered or is ordering.
- Payment of fees can be made in bank transfer or Online Payment Account. Payments utilizing such services are subject to additional processing fees (administration fee, transfer fee, etc).
- Refunds of service fees will be made only for pre-payment sales of service beyond the renewal date following the effective notice and termination of this agreement. All refunds shall be prorate based on the number of days which services remains unused as of the renewal date. Network Services may grant refunds under other circumstances as it deems appropriate without waiving any other rights hereunder.
Radhitya Wawan Yunarko
sekarang kalo mau sampein saran, kritik, info dan pendapat buat Embun jadi lebih praktis...
waduh da no hpna juga bisa smsan juga nih...
Mampir lg neh bro.., wew..berani amat kmu pasang n0mer hp disini, hehe..., btw, banner kmu jg udah aq pasang, mkasih ya..
mas saya Apip
cara untuk membuat seperti:
selengkapnya,readmore,dan sbg.
itu gimana
atas perhatiannya terimakasih
mas saya danang
saya mau tanya cara membuat user drive yang tadinya di data c ke drive user bagaimana caranya?
i want to say thank you for a great job you've done on your blog.
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Andy G.
Mas, Ini Afif
di blogku kok posting blognya ada dua ya?
di tengah sama di samping.
itu kenapa kok bisa
atas perhatiannya terimakasih
wah,,, untung bnget ku bisa gabungan di setetes embun
wah bagus tuh infonya thank ya gan....bahan plazaran buat aq....gan...klo bsa minta dasar2 fotoshop dunk pengan blajar ney